Our platform offers a unique approach that combines the science of healthy eating with science and art, showing that a healthy diet is not only a matter of physical condition, but also a source of inspiration for many other areas of life.


This thematic block will introduce you to the fascinating world of a healthy lifestyle, emphasizing a balanced diet and its relationship with the development of the body and ecological awareness.

All-around is a unique sport that combines various events into one competition. During our lesson about all-around competitions, we will discover what competitions are included in this discipline, how different skills are used in it and what challenges it poses to competitors. Let’s gain knowledge on how to comprehensively prepare for the all-around, as well as what benefits result from exercises and training leading to this fascinating form of sports competition!

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Dodgeball is a dynamic and active team game that engages participants in intense physical activity. During our lesson, we will explore the rules and various methods of playing dodgeball. We will learn how this game develops team cooperation, reflexes, speed and tactical skills. Get ready for an exciting lesson that will introduce you to the world of this exciting team game!

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Start lesson in english

Hobby Horses is a great form of physical activity that combines fun with exercise. During the lesson, you will learn about this unusual sports discipline – we will learn how to use these “horses” to improve balance, motor coordination and develop children’s motor skills. Together we will experience a fascinating adventure with this unusual form of physical exercise, which brings a lot of joy and health benefits!

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Start lesson in english

Dietary supplements are products designed to supplement your diet with nutrients that may be deficient or insufficient in your daily diet. During our lesson, we will take a closer look at dietary supplements – we will discuss what their types are, when they can be used and what impact they have on our health and physical activity.

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Regular training is a key element in achieving success in sports. Today we will focus on why regularity is so important and how it affects our performance and progress in training. We’ll discuss the benefits of a regular approach to physical activity and how you can stay motivated to exercise regularly.

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Today we will talk about how to eat properly to support your physical activity. We will learn how much and what products to eat to provide the body with the necessary nutrients. We will also look at nutritional balance – how to balance caloric intake and ensure the right amount of energy needed for training.

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Today we will deal with the issue of equipment and equipment in sports. Do you need expensive equipment to practice sports? Is it actually possible to exercise without specialized equipment? The answer may be surprising! We will learn different approaches to this topic and learn how to adapt to different conditions, having limited financial resources or access to specialized equipment.

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Today we will talk about something that is as important as intense training – regeneration. This is a key element in any training program. It is during regeneration that our body rests, regenerates and grows. We will learn various techniques and methods that will help us get back into shape faster after training and avoid injuries.

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Today we go to the badminton court – a sport that requires speed, agility and precision. Badminton is not only great entertainment, but also a great way to improve your physical condition and reflexes. Do you dream of a dynamic game where the speed of the ball requires full concentration and efficient movement on the pitch?

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We will delve into the fascinating world of the human body and its movement patterns. We will learn how our body uses various movement patterns to move and perform tasks and how these patterns affect our fitness. We will also learn about the benefits of consciously using these patterns during physical activity and everyday activities. Ready for a journey through the mechanics of the human body?

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Start lesson in english

We will focus on one of the key elements of our training – mobility. Mobility exercises allow us to improve our range of movements, flexibility and overall well-being. It is not only preparing our body for training, but also a way to take care of the health of joints and muscles. It’s time to learn some simple but effective exercises that will make you feel better and more comfortable in your body!

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Today we will discover how training partnerships can bring many benefits. We will invite you to actively participate in training with your parents or friends. Partnership is not only a great opportunity to spend time together, but also a chance to motivate, support and inspire each other in achieving your fitness goals. Ready for joint efforts whose results will exceed your expectations.

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Welcome to the lesson where fitness becomes the key to understanding your own body! Today we will learn about the International Fitness Test, which will help us understand how our body functions during various physical activities. Time to test your skills, strength, flexibility and endurance! Ready to explore your capabilities and engage in activities that develop your physical abilities?

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Physical activity includes not only organized sports activities, but also everyday professional activity and work done at home.


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An active break is not only a way to improve your physical health, but also to improve your concentration, well-being and ability to learn. Try it and see what benefits an active break will bring you!

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Hello, students! Today it’s time for sports competition and full commitment! Rugby tag is a game that combines the intensity and dynamics of rugby with the exciting fun of tag. Get ready for sporting challenges, teamwork and exciting moments full of movement. Ready for a dynamic and emotional competition? It’s tag rugby time!

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Start lesson in english

Welcome to the lesson where balance and focus meet in an exciting game! Today we will delve into the world of slackline – fun full of challenges, balance and focus. Ready to develop your physical skills and concentration at the same time? Get ready for fascinating rope play, where balance and concentration become the key to great fun!

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Start lesson in english


This thematic block will introduce you to the fascinating world of a healthy lifestyle, emphasizing a balanced diet and its relationship with the development of the body and ecological awareness.

Nowadays, we hear about various dietary trends – from vegan to paleo, from keto to raw food. But how do these diets affect our health, especially as we age? Today we will explore the diversity of diets and understand how food choices affect our health.

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From oriental cuisine to the Mediterranean diet – the world is full of culinary riches. But which of these diets are considered the healthiest in the world? Today we invite you on a journey through the cuisines of various cultures to learn their secrets of healthy eating.

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Today we will look at why a rainbow on a plate can mean health. We will learn the principles of balanced nutrition through colorful meals full of vitamins. We will see how simple healthy eating can be through a variety of colors and flavors.

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Not only taste, but also smell, texture and appearance can influence our pleasure in eating. Today we will discover how the senses influence our culinary experiences and why enjoying food is an important element of healthy eating.

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Today we will discover what should be on the plate to make it healthy and balanced. We will look at the ingredients that give us energy and strength to act. Together we will learn the rules of a balanced meal.

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Zdrowe odżywianie to nie tylko jedzenie, to cały zestaw naszych codziennych nawyków. Dzisiaj odkryjemy, jak nasz sposób życia wpływa na zdrowie i dlaczego ważne jest życie “poza talerzem”.

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Creating healthy and delicious lunchboxes that will provide us with energy for the whole day is our task today. You will learn what meals can be a complete meal in a lunch box.

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Sometimes a diet can act like a medicine. Today we will learn about natural ways to improve your health through healthy eating. We will see how food can support our health.

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Today we will explore the topic of insulin resistance and its impact on health. We will learn what dietary changes can help you deal with this challenge. Are you curious what this phenomenon is?

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Does what is considered beauty affect our health? Today we are talking about different beauty standards and their impact on our lifestyle and health. Ready for reflection?

Start lesson in polish

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Today we will delve into the secrets of energy that gives us the strength to act. We will learn what food products provide us with energy and why it is important to maintain the proper energy level in our body.

Start lesson in polish

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Do you know how important proper nutrition is during adolescence? Today we will talk about how the changing needs of the body require special attention to diet, as well as the role of healthy eating during this period of life.

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Can we take care of our health while limiting the amount of food we throw away? Today we will deal with the concept of zero waste in the kitchen, i.e. ways to minimize food waste.

Start lesson in polish

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Following a healthy lifestyle is like traveling to a destination. Today we will discuss what our health goals are and how to achieve them through proper nutrition. Ready to plan your own path to health?

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What to do when we are out and want to eat a healthy meal? Today we will talk about food choices outside the home and how to take care of your health even when you don’t have access to your own kitchen.

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Water is a key element of a healthy lifestyle. Today we will look at its role in our body and find out why it is so important for our health. Ready to learn about the benefits of drinking water?

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Start lesson in english


This thematic block will introduce you to the fascinating world of a healthy lifestyle, emphasizing a balanced diet and its relationship with the development of the body and ecological awareness. Our platform offers a unique approach that combines the science of healthy eating with science and art, showing that a healthy diet is not only a matter of physical condition, but also a source of inspiration for many other areas of life.

Get ready for an active and interactive lesson that will allow you to discover the secrets of a healthy life and learn how you can contribute to improving the quality of your life and the lives of others around you. We will use various teaching methods and tools, including infographics such as “Health Pyramid” and “10 rules of a healthy lifestyle”. During the lesson, you will have the opportunity to do practical tasks and reflections that will help you understand how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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Start lesson in english


The aim of this lesson is not only to gain knowledge about lifestyle diseases, but also to gain tools to take care of your own health. Ready for an interactive journey through the world of health? We will use various teaching methods, including individual work, group work and pair work. We will use interactive exercises, infographics presenting lifestyle diseases and a BMI calculator. In addition, we will use weights and measures for practical calculations.

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Start lesson in english

The aim of these classes is not only to understand the dangers of addiction, but also to equip you with the tools and knowledge that will allow you to take care of your health and avoid addictions. During our lesson, we will use various methods, such as brainstorming, gamification and tasks. We will use infographics, an animated film and an interactive quiz.

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Start lesson in english


Are you ready for a culinary challenge? This lesson will be devoted to the topic “How to write a recipe?” Our goal is for you to be able to write a culinary recipe and understand the features of a culinary recipe as a functional form of expression. During the lesson, we will use various teaching methods and resources, such as interactive exercises, recipe infographics, work cards and instructional videos. Thanks to them, you will gain practical knowledge that will allow you to write your own recipes worthy of a culinary master!

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We begin our journey through time and space to the Jagiellonian era and learning about the culinary traditions of those times. This lesson will introduce us to the figure of Queen Bona and the life at the court of the last Jagiellonians during the “golden age”. Our goal is to understand what importance Queen Bona had for culture and healthy eating. During the lesson, we will use various teaching methods and tools, such as comics, illustrations of tapestries, infographics, information texts, interactive exercises and the “TRUE/FALSE” game. Thanks to them, we will learn about the history and influence of Queen Bona on Polish cuisine.

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In this lesson, we will go to farmland where we will discover healthy treasures of nature in the form of cultivated plants. Our goal is to learn about the different types of plants that can be found in the field and to understand what nutrients dominate in each plant. During the lessons, we will use various teaching methods and tools, such as animations, infographics, interactive exercises, quizzes and information texts. Thanks to them, we will learn about the richness of plants grown in the field and their importance for a healthy diet.

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The aim of the lesson is to learn the skills of writing a dialogue and to understand the importance of vegetables in a healthy diet. We will look at a poem titled “At the market stall… these are the conversations you hear,” which will serve as inspiration. During the lesson, we will use various teaching tools, such as interactive exercises, a film, poem text and illustrations. Prepared? Let’s start learning how to edit dialogue and discover the fascinating world of vegetables!

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We will deal with an extraordinary story in which a sandwich plays the main role. Our overall goal is to understand and explain both the literal and figurative meanings of the poem. During this lesson, we will focus on the poem “Sandwich” by Agnieszka Frączek. During our lesson, we will use various teaching tools, such as interactive exercises, a film, poem text and illustrations. Let’s get ready to discover the fascinating history of the sandwich and explore the secrets of the poem’s figurative meaning.

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Start lesson in english

We will focus on pro-ecological principles of nutrition. Our overall goal is for you to learn about these principles and understand why they are important to protect our planet. During the lesson, we will use various methods, such as interactive exercises, active infographics, worksheets and interactive rebus. Prepare to learn more about an ecological approach to nutrition and its impact on our planet.

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Today we will focus on learning about the digestive system because health begins in the belly. Our overall goal is for you to learn about the structure and functions of the human digestive system. During the lesson, we will use various methods, such as interactive exercises, animations of the digestive system, illustrations, and we will use apples to illustrate the digestion process. Get ready to explore the mysteries of the digestive system and understand why what we eat is so important to our health.

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In this lesson we will cover the topic “Tasty still life” and learn how to describe a painting. Our overall goal is to be able to describe an image. The methods we will use are tasks to be performed and the visual method. We will work both individually and in groups to develop your ability to describe images. To achieve these goals, we will use image reproductions, worksheets and interactive exercises. Get ready for a creative journey through the world of images and descriptions!

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Let’s move to Mr. Kleks’s kitchen, where we will prepare a culinary recipe. Our general goal is to be able to prepare a recipe in accordance with the given rules. We will use task-based methods to achieve these goals. We will work both individually and in a group. In our work, we will use a fragment of the series “Paradise’s Academy” by Krzysztof Gradowski, information texts, interactive exercises and worksheets. Get ready to experiment creatively in Mr. Kleks’ kitchen!

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In today’s lesson we will look at the topic “We know what we eat – We learn about nutrients.” Our main goal is to learn about the main nutrients and understand their role in the functioning of the human body. In our work, we will use various methods, such as the functional approach, concept map and gamification. The lesson will be conducted individually, which will allow us to focus on achieving our goals. As teaching tools, we will use an active infographic in the form of a human model, films, boards with dragging subtitles and an interactive game. Get ready for a fascinating journey through the world of nutrients and healthy eating!

Start lesson in polish

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With the topic “Legs, arms, head, stomach – we make the body move”, we will explore the structure and functioning of our musculoskeletal system. The general goal of the classes is to understand how our musculoskeletal system affects our ability to move. We will use gamification to make learning even more engaging. The lesson will be conducted individually, which will allow us to focus on achieving our goals. During classes, we will use interactive infographics and interactive exercises that will help us better understand the structure and functions of the musculoskeletal system. Ready for an adventure into the world of anatomy and movement? Let’s launch!

Start lesson in polish

Start lesson in english


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.

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In this lesson, you will learn how to describe a dog based on a poem by Agnieszka Frączek entitled “Find”. We will characterize the main character of this poem, while improving our skills in describing characters in poetic works. And that’s not the end! You will also learn about the health benefits of having a dog and why these animals deserve a special place in our lives.

Start lesson in polish

Start lesson in english

Let’s start our journey towards a healthier and greener future where every meal can be a small step towards protecting our planet. and the lesson is an opportunity not only to learn pro-ecological nutrition principles, but also to understand why taking care of our planet is so important. In this lesson, participants will learn about the idea of ​​zero waste and the 6R principles, what a kitchen without leftovers is and what health benefits this way of eating brings. Moreover, they will understand the importance of an ecological approach to nutrition for the well-being of our planet.

Start lesson in polish

Start lesson in english


Let’s start our journey through the world of mathematics and learn how mathematics can be useful in everyday life. The aim of this lesson is to improve your skills in solving mathematical problems, with particular emphasis on word problems. Lesson participants will master basic mathematical calculations, will be able to analyze the content of tasks in an understandable way, use appropriate mathematical formulas and develop their logical thinking skills in the context of analyzing the calorie content of dishes in the diet.

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Start lesson in english