"Strengthening health awareness of primary school students using modern forms of education"

Healthy habits pay off for a lifetime

In a world that is constantly evolving, equipping our youth with the knowledge and tools to lead healthy and fulfilling lives has never been more important. That's why we're excited to introduce BravoMy, a leading e-learning platform designed to equip young learners with the essential skills and knowledge they need to cultivate lifelong healthy habits. In today's rapidly evolving digital age, youth face unique challenges when it comes to their well-being. With the allure of screens, tempting fast food options, and the pressures of academic and social life, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be a daunting task. Bravomy is here to change that narrative by providing an engaging and accessible platform designed exclusively for young minds. At BravoMy, we realize that healthy habits are not just about physical fitness, but also include mental and emotional well-being. Our platform offers a comprehensive approach to well-being, focusing on nutrition, physical activity, mental health and positive relationships. By addressing these critical aspects, we strive to help students build solid foundations for a prosperous and sustainable future.
The amount of funding granted is 85% funding from the EEA Financial Mechanism for 2014-2021 and 15% from the state budget. The total value of the project was EUR 266,898, the amount of funding was EUR 240,000.

Project financing

Association of Producers and Employers of the Meat Industry (UPEMI) in partnership with
ARM Technology Sp. z o. o., Tito Productions Sp z o. o., Institute of European Analysis Kinga Paciorek, Changemaker Educations - Norway, from January 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023, is implementing the project: "Strengthening the health awareness of primary school students using modern forms of education" financed by Educational Program under the EEA Funds Mechanism 2014-2021. The EEA Funds are the contribution of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway to creating a green, competitive and inclusive Europe (link to the FM EEA website: www.eeagrants.org).

Healthy living is a holistic journey that encompasses physical, mental and emotional well-being. It involves making conscious choices that support a balanced lifestyle, including nutritious eating habits, regular physical activity, adequate rest and mindful practices. A healthy life is not just about the absence of disease; it's about cultivating a harmonious relationship between body and mind.

Goals and expected results

The aim of the project is to increase knowledge and develop habits regarding proper patterns of a healthy lifestyle among students of grades 4-6. The aim of the project is to disseminate information in an attractive, multimedia and cognitively accessible form among 10-12-year-olds, aimed at shaping healthy eating habits, physical activity and the prevention of eating disorders.

The project’s goals will be achieved thanks to the international cooperation of 4 experienced and complementary entities operating in the education, promotion and IT sectors.

It is planned to support a minimum of 60 students in 2 schools covered by the pilot implementation and a minimum of 1,000 students during the project period, including through effective methods of promoting and disseminating the results.

The project will result in providing schools and their teaching staff with modern tools and programs for nutritional and exercise education, which can be used in accordance with the core curriculum during lessons.

The project is aimed at developing effective, innovative tools and methods that will help reduce the problem of childhood obesity, which is becoming more and more important in Polish and European society, as well as the resulting exclusion of primary school students.

Project information

The project concept assumes the creation of three educational and preventive programs in the field of natural, biological, psychological and sports activities as part of the partnership. The project is a response to market needs:

– In the group of project recipients – primary school students, the phenomenon of obesity is important. This is a group of people with the greatest adaptability and on whom the adopted educational and preventive methods can have the greatest impact. It is therefore worth counteracting and slowing down this trend by building awareness and healthy habits.

– In the group of recipients of the project – teaching staff, there is an insufficient supply of effective and attractive activating tools for students, consistent with the core curriculum of the Ministry of National Education, which could be used during classes.

There is no health-promoting program on the market addressed to students of grades 4-6 that: uses an interactive approach to the educational process, enables the use of online educational resources, also for students without staff supervision, provides elements of gamification, including at the level of schools and individual students , was fully consistent with the core curriculum and adapted to its implementation.

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